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Marley trained pup 12weeks

Private seller

We took on Marley from an owner who hasn't the space for him, and are hoping to transition him to a family looking for a reliable black lab, Marley is suspicious of public transport, fully socialized, capable of walking without a lead if given commands and shows promise as a work dog.

At 12 weeks old Marley stands about 30cm tall and has large floppy paws, he will likely grow to be very sturdy

Marley likes to play non aggressively, is intimidated by barking and can become anxious if not understood much like a poodle, this is great for learning kids and pasafists but not for some expecting to have a performative sport dog, Marley has sub par coordination and is great at social events where napping on feet and sitting is worthy of light praise.

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Phone numberClick to reveal
Account typePrivate seller
LocationOrkney islands, SC KW16
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