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Adorable Abandoned Kittens for Rehoming

Private seller

Please open your heart and home to these incredibly sweet boys who were taken from their mother and carelessly abandoned.

My best guess is that they are around 2 months old. Very well behaved, loving and litter trained. On day 1 they were already snuggling with us - extremely sweet kittens.

Would love to see them rehomed together after being taken from their mother and abandoned, they have gone through enough heartbreak.

Rehoming fee will be reimbursement for first round of vaccines, which we will arrange. Happy to bring these guys to wherever their new home may be.

We would take them on ourselves, but we already have 4 cats and need to move soon. We are cat lovers and want to see these little ones make it to their forever home.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. I will answer them to the best of my ability.

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Phone numberMDQ0Nzk2MTA2NjU2Ng==
Account typePrivate seller
LocationDudley, WM B62
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