Bonded pair of male rabbits.
Black/ white (Treacle), grey Netherland Dwarf (Thumper) both will turn 2 this year.
These are a bonded pair and absolutely MUST go together.
Currently housed in a big wendy house (6ft x 4ft with different levels, please see photo of their current accommodation - which does NOT come with them) and have access to outside, MUST be going to another suitable sized accommodation and I'll be asking for photos.
Thumper is very cute however a bit shy, Treacle likes to be stroked and will be picked up. They make a lovely pair to watch and love to run about in the mornings jumping up high together, they curl up to sleep together, and love tossing their toys about together.
Currently on Timothy hay and pellets, can come with some changeover food. We use big litter trays in their house which they use well (with sawdust) they do drop random poops when playing outside though!
They are both neutered and at their last vets appointment before Christmas told they are healthy and well.
We are devastated to be rehoming them, however we were hoping to bond them to our 3 older buns, but Treacle and Thumper don't like other bunnies and need to be kept on their own as just a pair. Splitting time and space between them I feel it's fairer to re-home them where they can be given more time and attention. Again I stress they have to be going to a large home for them with outdoor space as it's what they're used to, not a hutch or cage.
If you message about them please let me know that you have read the entire advert or I will not respond. I'll also be asking questions about your intended accommodation for them.
Collection would be from Longlands Middlesbrough.
Price is for them both, to ensure they will be going to a home where they're wanted. Thankyou
Bonded Pair Rabbits , Male, Neutered
Private seller