Marley is 14 months old . He's such a sweet boy and likes other dogs. He's about 79lb
He's a husky mix
He's a strong dog so will need someone who can handle him. I got him when he was 4 month old and the other owner didn't do anything with him. My fibromyalgia isn't good and he's to strong for the kids. He pulls and needs someone who has the time and strength to get him out of that and when he sees other dogs and cats he pulls. He was with cats at the person's house he was at before. This is a hard decision as we love him so much. But he needs lots of walks and it's to much for me. He loves everyone and always wants loves.
He's on a raw diet so he will have to continue this diet and it's the best for him. He's got a lovely coat and he doesn't smell because of the food he eats. He eats duck necks chicken feet and baby chicks and many more raw treats. So please it has to be someone who knows what they are doing. He was born 11th June 2022. I've got meat in my freezer to give as well. Anything you need to know contact me.
I don't drive so he will need too be collected please
Microchip numbers: