2 males and 3 females.
Tel 0868776859. 972274200377659 + 972274200378641 male, females Vaccinated, wormed and vet checked. Good strong healthy pups. Mam and Dad family pets. Dad has a great temperament and shares his
She's gone to a new home
We have 4 beutiful American Bullys for sale they are nearly 6 weeks old and ready for new homes from 18th December. Phone 0863834521
These are gorgeous puppies - raised in a family home. They are well adjusted happy healthy friendly and perfect in every way with top quality breeding. 3 black and tan/ 3 dapple grey/ black and tan.
Chocolate Labrador
Golden retriever puppies Pure breed Lovely strong puppies
I have a dog for sale, samoyed, female, 1 year old. Very kind dog, anti-alergic hair, excellent with children, full of love!
Frankie' lovely friendly family pet needs new home free to good home
We got 12 weeks old cocer spanel she is very affection and energetic dog very cute she has her first vaccine and she also wormed. We hope she will go to a good home where she will recive care and love
I want to sell this welsh border collie as i found out that im allergic to dog fur . He was born on the 22nd of January he is 8 months old. Hes a very happy puppy, full off energy, loves kids and lo
Traditional Straight back German Shepherd pups for sale. Irish kennel club registered, vaccinated, wormed and well socialised. Great with children.
For Sale: World's Most Beautiful Red Eye Tree Frog Babies 1 month old, they are about 1.5cm-2cm in size. Quiet frogs that also change colour when hunting.
Beautiful black and white 7 month old puppy. Microchipped, vaccinated, vet checked and neutered