one tri colour and one pure black male.
Birthday November 31, 2023 Available I'm ready today! Mom's Weight 9 - 10 lbs Dad's Weight 10 - 12 lbs Color Red Variety Miniature Smooth Haired Registry KC
7months old
18 week old little boy
I have a female puppy she is mix bred from Presa canario to cane corso she is very loving puppy excellent with children and other dogs
Beautiful 7 year old Rottweiler cross ( we believe staffy)
Two guinea pigs for sale/adoption, in need of rehoming due to my working situation.Gizmo and clay are both short haired guinea pigs. clay is black and gizmo is tri coloured.
Storm is a very loving and affectionate dog loves walks treats and sleep he is very hyperactive. Having to sell due to not having a home to look after him in.
I have a lovely female puppy, we have had her for only 2 months since she left her mother at 3months old. She is very stubborn and active as you can expect for her age.
Male cat for sale fully vaccinated and microchip
Beautiful border collie called max for sale.
American pocket bully X French bulldog puppies
Looking to rehome our wonderful 10 week old puppy Coco
Beautiful female Maltishon. She will go with pads, toys, food, bowls. Beds etc.basically, everything but a lead and collar
Selling as a pair (brothers) Microchipped Neutered Flea and wormed Up to date with vaccines British Shorthair kittens