Capuchin and marmoset monkeys contact via email at
Energetic and playful Lola, she was born on august 21st 2023. She’s hasn’t been microchipped or vaccinated! But she has been fleed and wormed! Good with cats and kids also other dogs!
Placid,easy to care for snake
Sweet friendly rabbit in need of a loving home.
Hi, we have just had a new born baby and we were gifted Fifi by my sister in law but unfortunately we cannot keep her any longer due to our new baby and we cannot give her back either. Forced to sell
Selling two cats, cat tree, two litter trays, two food bowls, two crates a water fountain and some toys.
Hi here is my girl daisy she is a 2 year old American bull dog . Very good with other dogs and kids . She walks well on and off the lead . Never shown any aggression towards any one or anything. V
Roxi is an 11 month old cane corso looking for a home through no fault of her own
I have had my cat called shambles for 9 years and she is an adorable cat and loves human interaction. Very gentle and playfull. She is fit and healthy and doesn't have any health issues. She's b
2 baby kittens are looking for family, affectionate and very playful
2 male brother Guinea pigs Need to go as pair!
Patterjack (Patterdale/Jack Russel) Bella. Microchipped and Vaccinated.
Beautiful & playful Savannah Grey/Silver 3-year-old, Lovely temperament and nature. Microchipped.
Beautiful rare black maltipoo “pickle ‘ for sale sadly and no fault of his own just due to my own health issues, pickle is a lovely friendly boy house trained microchiped and up vaccinated .