Male cat looking for a forever home. For unforseen circumstances I am having to find my cat George a loving home
2 male piggies, very sweet natured, comes with all there set up and food and hay. only selling for health reasons which makes hard for me to clean them out now.
He is dachshund his name is teddy just over a year old.
2 brothers for sale, born march 2021, one has been neutered. Selling as we just don't have the time or space for them anymore
Looking for a forever/end of life home for my dog.
I am heartbroken even writing this but I am having to sell my beautiful baby girl … she is 2 1/2 years old and I’ve had her since 6 weeks but don’t have the time for her anymore 🥺
2 gorgeous boys left from a litter of 9!
With a heavy heart we are having to re-home our 5 year old German shepherd, Star. Due to another baby on the way we can't afford the time or effort she deserves. She is great with our 2 children.
11 month old ABKC registered chocolate merle male. king kobe Fully vaccinated and microchipped. His pedigree is full of BOSSY kennels aswell as some other well known kennels. Great temperament, has be
Lovely Siberian husky that needs an amazing family and home.
Ragdoll boy blue point with azure blue eyes is ready for new friends to meet and give love forever. He is super affectionate and has very good nature. He is litter trained. Good background.
FREE!!!!! INCLUDED Cage, carry case, pillow, blanket, shampoo, food, animal
she small and full of character loves to play and loves a good old cuddle and kisses
We have 2 beautiful shih tzu x Chihuahua puppies for sale
I’m giving you 2 GUNIEA pigs,food ,2bottles and a 100 pound cage